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We Tested The SCAR Sniper Rifle Made for Special Forces
SCAR-H/MK17 Full Auto
Why US Special Forces Switched to the SCAR (briefly)
What Makes FN SCARs So Special?
Why Special Forces Keep Returning to These Guns: AUG or SCAR-L?
The FN Scar 17 is smooth. Is it worth the price!? (Yes that’s an ELCAN)
FN-SCAR vs the M-16: Is it worth it?
Why Did The US Military Abandon The SCAR Program?
Does the US Military hate the SCAR H?
SCAR 17 (308) Mag Dump FIREBALL
Muddy Rifle Test. (AK, AR-15, SCAR, FAL etc)
Russian Military Service Rifle AK12